Dragon ball heroes android fusion android#
Like Great Saiyaman 12, Android 1718 is classified as male and has Android 17's voice.It is also notable that it's currently the only fusion that is the result of two twin siblings of the opposite gender fusing. Android 1718 is one of the few EX fusions of a male and a female with the other being Great Saiyaman 12.Gun - Android 1718 inherits Android 17's holstered gun which like his fuse Android 17 he simply wears and does not utilize in battle.

17's Scarf - Android 1718 inherits the signature scarf worn by his fusee Android 17.1718 can remain fused as long as he wears it and can defuse at will by removing it. Metamo-Ring - As an EX-Fusion, 1718 wears a single Metamo-Ring on his left arm which was formed by 17 and 18's two Metamo-Rings fusing along with them.First Striker - Sometimes act at the start of battle.Ultra Support EX - Join an ally's support attack.One of Android 1718's Special Moves acquired from Android 18. Destructo-Disc - A razor sharp disc of ki.Barrier - A Energy Shield that grants Barrier status which defends against ki-based attacks.In Dragon Ball Fusions, if the fusees learn their respective moves, Android 1718 can learn Infinity Energy Cannon after their fusion is complete. Infinity Energy Cannon - A powerful combination of Android 17's Hyper Energy Cannon and Android 18's Infinity Cannon.One of Android 1718's Special Moves acquired from both Android 17 and Android 18. Hyper Energy Cannon - A stronger version of Energy Cannon even stronger than Super Energy Cannon.

Android 1718 resembles Android 17 for the most part.